Thursday, June 2, 2011

Citadel Finecast

By now you should have heard of Citadel Finecast. For those of you that have not, where have you been for the last week. But to put it down in more simple terms, Citadel Finecast is a highly detailed resin that has replaced many of Citadels metal models. The detail on each model is just amazing. Each piece looks just as the original "green" did. Finecast is also very easy to work with, as the resin is much less brittle as the metal duplicate. Its also more easy to paint the pieces since the details are much more prominent. Combined with extreme detail, easy to work with, and almost feather like weight, Finecast seems to be the next best thing Citadel has ever released. But with all things nothing is ever perfect. Air bubbles are all to common and some can even be quite large. Truthfully though, these can be very easy to patch up and a little green stuff can handle the large ones. I would also like to point out that many parts can be a bit flimsy, but is that all too bad.
          So when the release date finally came I had to make the decision, what Finecast piece should I get. I decided on The Green Knight, sculpted by Michael Perry. The Green Knight is my all time favorite model, and to say otherwise would be a lie. It was my first ever Warhammer piece and as such, has a special place in my heart. Also I messed up big time on the paint job and the thought of being able to repaint my favorite model, that was now in Finecast has just so exciting. So I got the model and set to work building it.    
          The resin was so light. What would have weighed as much as a rock now weighs near to nothing. Also those pesky mold lines and extra pieces of resin were so easy to clean up. There were just three problems. One, the very end of the shield was missing, darn air bubbles. Two, The Dolorous Blade was as twisted as a chaos spawn. And three, there was a huge gap in The Shadow Steeds chest. Problems Two and Three were solved with the simple use of a hair dryer. By heating up the resin you can move parts of the resin that you would not normally be able to. So I was able to straiten out the Dolorous Blade and push together the gap in the chest, no green stuff needed. The shield was repaired with a bit of green stuff. When I was done I was impressed by the over all look of the model. The barding did not look as heavy and the detail on the shield was much more crisp.
           In the end, except for just a few flaws, Citadel Finecast is just amazing and I recommend getting one.
Detail of barding.

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