This past Fourth of July week has been a very uneventful week for most of the projects I've been working on. I had a cousin over for a few days who also brought along his Tyranid army with him. I was unable to do any painting, simply because the table I paint on, was covered in tons of Tyranids. I did though, magnetize a Carnifex. This was something I had not really tried, I simply never felt I had something that could benefit from being magnetized. Firstly I drilled a small hole into where the two joints would meet. I repeated this step with all the arm options that were going to be magnetized. I then cut a small amount of magnet off a strip of refrigerator magnet I had found around the house. And that was my one slip up. The refrigerator magnet is hard to get into the right size and also has really weird way of magnetizing. I would recommend using a very small, strong, and circular magnet. Lastly I glued the magnets into the holes and I was done. I cant say I did a very good job but I did learn a bit about what kind of magnet is best for this kind of job.
When I was not helping out my cousin with his army or watching The Three Stooges I would play around with some of the buildings I have. When I found lots of guns I had left over from a heavy weapons team, I knew just what I was going to do with them. I grabbed my Imperial Basilica Administratum, some glue, all the heavy weapons, and made a very well armed building.
I aslo went out and bought a Defense Line. I love the way the walls fit together and the turret is really cool. I would recommend this to a person who is starting to build up a collection of landscape pieces.
Well, as I said before, I had a very uneventful week, and this is just about all that happened.
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